September 12, 2019
Diversity & Inclusion Dictionary

See these definitions for some common DEI-related terms.
August 25, 2019
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s Resource Library

The STFM’s Resource Library provides different activities in multiple formats and on various topics (hint: enter key terms such as ‘racism’ or ‘LGBTQ’ in the search field in the top right of the page and refine from there)
August 19, 2019
Religiosity and health: A global comparative study

Zimmer Z, Rojo F, Ofstedal MB, Chiu CT, Saito Y, Jagger C. Religiosity and health: A global comparative study. SSM Popul Health. 2018;7:006–6. Published 2018 Nov 15. doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2018.11.006 Abstract: The objective of this paper is to understand global connections between indicators of religiosity and health and how these differ cross-nationally. Data are from World Values…
August 16, 2019
Integrating Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Into a Research Course

See this recent publication on ways to integrate DEI into a research methods course: O’Connor R.(2019). Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Topics Into an Undergraduate Nursing Research Course. J Nurs Educ. 58(8) 494. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20190719-13.
Power, Privilege, & Difference Activities

Check out these in-class activities from the University of Texas-Austin.
Activities for Change

Check out Training for Change’s ‘energizers and games’ and ‘teamwork’ tool boxes for in-class activity ideas.
Interactive Activities to Explore Difference

This booklet from Stockton University provides additional ideas for in-class activities.
Guide to Discussing Identity, Power, and Privilege

From the University of Southern California, this guide includes activities to use in class with students.
Sample Activities & Templates for Exploring Privilege, Power, and Oppression

From the University of Michigan, these sample in-class activities will help students explore privilege, power, and oppression
Teaching Tolerance

Teaching Tolerance is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center and provides a wealth of resources related to teaching social justice and anti-bias, including lesson plans and opportunities for professional development online and in person. The site is geared towards K-12, but many of the resources are applicable to higher education as well.
August 13, 2019
Book Lists

Check out these various book lists: Mahogany Books & Very Smart Brothas Book Club includes a reading list of Black authors and opportunities to engage in monthly book discussions So you want to be woke: a reading guide for White people from Book Riot, the largest independent editorial book site in North America 24 books…
August 12, 2019
What To Do If You Witness Islamaphobia

This article and infographic describe how to support folks who may be targets of Islamaphobia (these ideas also apply to folks who may be targeted for any minority identity).
Privilege Lists

Sam Killermann provides lists of common privileges that many of us have (male, middle/upper class, Christian, straight, & cisgender privilege). The lists are not meant to promote shame, rather to provide an opportunity to reflect on the many aspects of daily life that we may take for granted or are completely unaware that others may…
Heart and Soul

A podcast about “personal approaches to spirituality from around the world”
True Talk

This podcast “focuses on the Middle East and the Muslim world. The show also discusses issues that Muslims face worldwide, as well as for American Muslims who are seeking to live as peace-loving Americans in a nation that often has only seen stereotypical portrayals of Islam”
Good Muslim Bad Muslim

Check out this podcast “featuring Tanzila “Taz” Ahmed and Zahra Noorbakhsh about the good and the bad of the American Muslim female experience. But you know, satirically & disturbingly hilarious.”