Online Activities & Resources
September 12, 2019
Diversity & Inclusion Dictionary

See these definitions for some common DEI-related terms.
September 10, 2019
CDC Practitioner’s Guide to Advancing Health Equity

A Practitioner’s Guide to Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease from the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Resource that provides brief readings on introductory core concepts and principles of health equity (e.g., social determinants, strategies for organizational/institutional systems change and action, engaging and partnering with communities). Also features a variety…
Perspectives on Health Equity & Social Determinants of Health

This National Academy of Medicine Special Publication, an edited volume of discussion papers, provides author’s recommendations to advance the agenda to promote health equity for all. The rich discussions found throughout Perspectives on Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health make way for the translation of policies and actions to improve health and health equity for all citizens…
Native Land Interactive Map

“Native Land Digital is a Canadian not-for-profit organization, incorporated in December 2018. It is designed to be Indigenous-led, with an Indigenous Board of Directors who oversee and direct the organization.” Use this interactive app to identify native territories, languages, and treaties in North America and throughout other parts of the word. You can also read…
August 25, 2019
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s Resource Library

The STFM’s Resource Library provides different activities in multiple formats and on various topics (hint: enter key terms such as ‘racism’ or ‘LGBTQ’ in the search field in the top right of the page and refine from there)
American Academy of Family Physicians LGBTQ Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents

Check out AAFP’s LGBTQ curriculum guidelines here.
August 16, 2019
Integrating Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Into a Research Course

See this recent publication on ways to integrate DEI into a research methods course: O’Connor R.(2019). Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Topics Into an Undergraduate Nursing Research Course. J Nurs Educ. 58(8) 494. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20190719-13.
Teaching Tolerance

Teaching Tolerance is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center and provides a wealth of resources related to teaching social justice and anti-bias, including lesson plans and opportunities for professional development online and in person. The site is geared towards K-12, but many of the resources are applicable to higher education as well.
August 12, 2019
What To Do If You Witness Islamaphobia

This article and infographic describe how to support folks who may be targets of Islamaphobia (these ideas also apply to folks who may be targeted for any minority identity).
Race Equity Tools

“Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.” Check out…
The Genderbread Person v4

This infographic by Sam Killermann is a basic start to understanding the difference between gender identity, gender expression, biological/anatomical sex, and sexual & romantic attraction.
It’s Pronounced Metrosexual

Sam Killermann is an artist, author, and award-winning activist who focuses on themes of gender, sexuality, and global justice. All of his resources are free to use, learn more at his website It’s Pronounced Metrosexual here.
Privilege Lists

Sam Killermann provides lists of common privileges that many of us have (male, middle/upper class, Christian, straight, & cisgender privilege). The lists are not meant to promote shame, rather to provide an opportunity to reflect on the many aspects of daily life that we may take for granted or are completely unaware that others may…
Are you Taking up Space or Contributing in Social Justice Work?

This infographic allows those with privilege to think about whether participating in a social justice activity may silence/further marginalize already marginalized groups or add to the work.
Look Different

This website, sponsored by MTV, contains various activities and resources related to implicit bias, including how bias is involved in high maternal mortality rates among Black women, a 7-day bias cleanse, and an interactive opportunity to explore your privilege.
Implicit Association Test

The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is the most widely used measure of implicit bias. We all have implicit biases as a result of how our brains function. Take a few IAT tests at Project Implicit to learn what your biases are.