In-class Activities
August 25, 2019
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s Resource Library

The STFM’s Resource Library provides different activities in multiple formats and on various topics (hint: enter key terms such as ‘racism’ or ‘LGBTQ’ in the search field in the top right of the page and refine from there)
August 16, 2019
Integrating Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Into a Research Course

See this recent publication on ways to integrate DEI into a research methods course: O’Connor R.(2019). Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Topics Into an Undergraduate Nursing Research Course. J Nurs Educ. 58(8) 494. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20190719-13.
Power, Privilege, & Difference Activities

Check out these in-class activities from the University of Texas-Austin.
Activities for Change

Check out Training for Change’s ‘energizers and games’ and ‘teamwork’ tool boxes for in-class activity ideas.
Interactive Activities to Explore Difference

This booklet from Stockton University provides additional ideas for in-class activities.
Guide to Discussing Identity, Power, and Privilege

From the University of Southern California, this guide includes activities to use in class with students.
Sample Activities & Templates for Exploring Privilege, Power, and Oppression

From the University of Michigan, these sample in-class activities will help students explore privilege, power, and oppression
Teaching Tolerance

Teaching Tolerance is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center and provides a wealth of resources related to teaching social justice and anti-bias, including lesson plans and opportunities for professional development online and in person. The site is geared towards K-12, but many of the resources are applicable to higher education as well.